Saturday, August 9, 2008

Anti-Obama books are best-sellers

By HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer Tue Aug 5, 3:34 PM ET
NEW YORK - Going negative against Democrat Barack Obama isn't just a campaign strategy for Republican John McCain. It's also a good formula for selling books.
Three anti-Obama releases were in the top 20 of's best-seller list on Tuesday, despite little critical attention or mainstream media coverage.
"There's a pent-up demand from people on the right side of the aisle who feel that the mainstream media is effusively covering Barack Obama and not critically covering him," says Marji Ross, president and publisher of the conservative Regnery Publishing, Inc., which just released David Fredosso's "The Case Against Barack Obama."
Until recently, the most widely read narrative of Obama's life was written by Obama, in the million-selling "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope." The new releases, like McCain's campaign ads, attempt a counter-narrative.
The subtitles are the giveaway: Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," Fredosso's "The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate" and Dick Morris' "Fleeced: How Barack Obama, Media Mockery of Terrorist Threats, Liberals Who Want to Kill Talk Radio, the Do-Nothing Congress, Companies That Help Iran, and Washington Lobbyists for Foreign Governments Are Scamming Us ... and What to Do About It."
The authors allege that Obama is not a benign spokesman for hope and unity, but an ideologue with close ties to 1960s radicals and the Chicago political machine. Corsi is already known as a co-author of "Unfit for Command," the influential attack against the war record of Sen. John Kerry, the Democrats' presidential candidate in 2004. Fredosso is a reporter for National Review Online, while Morris is a former aide to President Clinton who has since made a career of bashing Democrats.
"With book like these, the minute some people know they're out there, they must have them," says Cal Morgan, a vice president and executive editor at HarperCollins who worked on Morris' book and, at the other end of the spectrum, Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men."
Steve Ross, president and publisher of the Collins division of HarperCollins, released Obama's books when Ross was head of the Crown Publishing Group at Random House Inc. He thinks that the audience for anti-Obama books will grow through the fall, but doubts that sales will reach the levels of the senator's own books.
"The anti-Obama readership is largely one that has already made up its mind and is looking for validation, while the Obama readership comprises both those who have already made up their minds and those who are curious about him," Ross says.
Fredosso's book, which officially came out Tuesday, has nearly 300,000 copies in print. The Corsi book, released late last week, is already in its third printing, with a total of 375,000 copies in print so far. "Fleeced," released in June and now in its eighth printing, has 210,000 copies. Books taking on the Bush administration, including Jane Mayer's "The Dark Side," are selling well, but no anti-McCain works are currently attracting attention.
"Obama is a fresh subject — it's all new ground," says Peter Osnos, founder of PublicAffairs, which released Scott McLellan's "What Happened," a best-selling criticism of Bush by the president's former press secretary. "McCain doesn't have the same kind of resonance, it's nothing in comparison, because you can still shape people's view of Obama, but it's way too late to shape their view of McCain."
The anti-Obama books share not just a point of view, but a path to success that has worked for both liberals and conservatives_ online word of mouth and appearances with sympathetic interviewers, such as Fox News' Sean Hannity, who has had Corsi, Fredosso and Morris on his show. Ross says that Hannity is not just an interviewer, but an "enthusiast for books" who "gets people excited about the idea of reading a book."
"Books from both the left and the right often work this way," Morgan says, noting that Moore's book was also a best seller, even though it was ignored by reviewers.
"They begin at the grass roots. They begin with a direct channel between the author and the consumer. They're not mitigated by rumors or secondary comments. They're a kind of vote the consumers cast for the author's point of view."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pengembangan Agribisnis

Oleh Aminuddin Siregar

Agribisnis nampaknya tidak cuma sekedar isapan jempol, apabila ditemukan modus baru pengembangan agribisnis ini, dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Akan tetapi problem yang seringkali muncul kepermukaan, justru bukan masalah pengembangan, melainkan seberapa efektif manajemen agribisnis ini telah dilakukan. Sehingga persoalan yang menyangkut daya dukung ekonomi daerah yang berbasis kerakyatan menjadi prioritas..

Itu sebabnya, mengapa perlu dicari modus baru pengembangan agribisnis ini. Di mana agribisnis benar-benar dapat menjadi satu kekuatan bagi daerah dalam menjalankan roda pemerintahan dan mengurus rumah tangganya sendiri. Barulah kemudian makna otonomi daerah, yang berbasis kerakyatan dapat digiring ke arah terciptanya demokratisasi ekonomi. Meskipun demokrasi dianggap tidak selalu bisa memberantas kemiskinan.

Pusat krisis yang dibentuk pemerintah tempo hari itu, nampaknya bertujuan untuk membantu dan mendukung pelaku bisnis dan perdagangan dalam meningkatkan usaha mereka. Bukan saja di tingkat nasional dan regional melainkan juga pada tingkat global. Sebab menurut Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, yang ketika itu dijabat oleh Rini MS. Soewandi, usaha pengembangan itu difokuskan pada tiga bidang industri, yakni industri tekstil, produk tekstil, dan industri alas kaki, serta industri elektronik.

Dengan dibentuknya pusat krisis industri dan perdagangan ini, diharapkan dapat menyerap tenaga kerja. Sekurangnya dapat mengurangi angka pengangguran yang cenderung meningkat dari hari-kehari. Harapan ini tidak saja untuk memperkuat kembali perekonomian regional tetapi juga dapat mendongkrak laju perekonomian daerah secara lokal, dengan berbasiskan ekonomi kerakyatan.
Sejalan dengan itu Manajemen Pengembangan Agribisnis Berwawasan Lingkungan sangat diperlukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota. Sebab pengembangan agribisnis juga akan dapat dijadikan sebagai kekuatan daya saing disektor perdagangan. Untuk mewujudkan hal Ini, tentu saja diperlukan kesepakatan bersama, konsensus, dan terlebih lagi sangat diperlukan ialah komitmen terhadap pengembangan agribisnis sebagaimana diharapkan.

Persoalannya, apakah pencarian modus baru pengembangan agribisnis ini bisa disepakati, apabila penegakan prinsip-prinsip pemerintahan yang baik dan benar justru dianggap sebagai hambatan? Padahal semua warga masyarakat mesti mengetahui apa yang menjadi kebijakan pemerintah dan secara transparan aspirasi mereka yang disuarakan oleh wakil mereka sepenuhnya didasarkan pada kesesuaian dengan kebutuhan mereka.

Penulis Staf Pengajar pada Pusdiklat Depdagri Regional Bukittinggi. Penggagas Forum Diskusi Komunitas Klub Haus Buku

Monday, August 4, 2008

Million-selling opening for vampire series finale

Monday August 4, 9:12 PM
Million-selling opening for vampire series finale
Harry Potter is still king, but the final book of Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series did manage a million-selling debut.

"Breaking Dawn," the fourth of Meyer's sensational teen vampire series, sold 1.3 million copies in the first 24 hours after its midnight, Aug. 2 release. Publisher Little, Brown Books for Young Readers announced Monday that it has gone back for 500,000 more copies, making the total print run 3.7 million.

The numbers for "Breaking Dawn" are comparable to the openings of a pair of famous memoirs: former President Clinton's "My Life" and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Living History." But they don't approach the unveiling of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." The seventh and final volume of J.K. Rowling's fantasy series sold 8.3 million copies in its first 24 hours in the United States alone.

Sumber : Yahoo! Asia News